Features Overview


2022- Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

2016- 2021      Adjunct Instructor of Art, Sante Fe College, Gainesville, FL

2014- 2020      Adjunct Professor of Art, Flagler College, Saint Augustine, FL

2013- 2020      Adjunct Professor of Art, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

When in-class studio courses were moved online because of COVID, I began searching for a way to keep my students and I engaged. My interest in fiction literature, specifically fantasy/ sci-fi, and the wide range of heavy metal music shaped my approach to online teaching. These instructional videos are the result of giving more space to humor, freedom, and care within my pedagogy. Each video is supplemental to online course content, so they do not contain full explanations of assignments. All content was created by me with the exception of all music used. Each song used belongs solely to each band.